A Guide to
Reishi Mushrooms
Red reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) has long been recognized in Asia as “one of our most valuable herbal medicines.” Used for over 2000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ling zhi, as it’s called in Chinese, translates as “holy mushroom.” It has been nicknamed “The Mushroom of Immortality,” “The Great Protector,” and “The Herb of Spiritual Potency.”

What is Ganoderma
While reishi mushrooms fall under the Ganoderma genus and there are other similar looking mushrooms growing on dead or old tree trunks, DNA and other testing techniques have identified that some of the mushrooms identified as reishi are distinctly different.
The focus here is on the species Ganoderma lucidum or red reishi.
What are reishi’s benefits?
- Boosting immune function
- Treating allergies
- Calming overactive immune system
- Managing stress
- Improving sleep
- Addressing depression and anxiety
- Supporting the respiratory system
- Fortifying the liver
- Strengthening the kidneys
What makes reishi special?
With more than 400 active compounds, red reishi offers a virtual pharmacy of health benefits. As an adaptogen, red red reishi has the ability to return the body to homeostasis for a wide range of health issues. Red reishi is termed in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a “superior herb,” as it is able to restore balance, even when used as a single herb. Red reishi is non-toxic and can be safely used long term by most.
Featured Video
This video takes you on a tour of the Nikkei Co. farm in Isesaki, Japan, home of the world’s best reishi mushroom.
Learn more about red reishi with the Mayuzumi family, the pioneers of reishi cultivation.
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